HomeMy Work My Work To book an appointment, please feel free to book online, give us a call or drop us an email. BOOK NOW CALL US EMAIL US the.hair.project.by.angie Angie Wong Hair stylist 5 St John's Way, Archway, Angie hair stylist 5 St John's Way, Archway, Londo Angie Wong Hair stylist 5 St John's Way, Archway, Angie Wong Hair stylist Colour rooting and cut 5 S Angie Wong Hair stylist 5 St John's Way, Archway, Angie Wong Hair stylist Gents hair perm and cut 5 Angie Wong Hair stylist Ladies hair up style for C Angie Wong Hair stylist Ladies Classic hair up sty Angie Wong Hair stylist Gents classic cut and styl Angie Wong Hair stylist Ladies Colour Wash and Cut Ladies Cut and blow dry Angie hair stylist 5 St J Angie Wong Hair stylist Gents Wash and Braid style Ladies Hair cut and Curl style 5 St John's Way, A Angie Wong Hair stylist Lady Wash cut and curl sty Angie Wong Hair stylist Gents classic straight hai Angie Wong Hair stylist Lady classic Colour Wash a Angie Wong Hair stylist Wash and cut #hairstylist Angie Wong Hair stylist Wash and cut #hairstylist Instagram post 17861920027534584 Instagram post 18073991578187150 Load More… Follow on Instagram